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Based in Darmstadt, Tolga Akdemir is a trustberg. counsel and lawyer admitted to the German bar.


After his studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz with a focus on criminal law and criminology and his legal clerkship with stations at the Higher Regional Court and at a major international law firm, Mr. Akdemir worked for several years as a public prosecutor and judge in Baden-Württemberg and Hessen. During this time, he specialized in white-collar criminal cases and acquired extensive expertise in criminal law.


Mr. Akdemir advises clients on all matters of criminal law, in particular white-collar criminal law and compliance. In doing so, he is able to draw on his in-depth legal knowledge as well as his experience in forensics and in dealing with complex cases. As a trained IT assistant, he also has IT expertise. He speaks German, English and Turkish.


  • First state examination at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, 2016


  • Second state examination in Wiesbaden (OLG Frankfurt), 2018​


  • Admission to the German bar




  • White-collar criminal law


  • Compliance

track record.

  • Practiced as a public prosecutor and judge in Ellwangen, focusing on juvenile criminal law, arson cases, weapons offenses, insurance law, private construction law, and official liability cases


  • Practiced as a public prosecutor in Darmstadt mainly in the white-collar crime department with a focus on cases of bankruptcy, subsidy fraud, competition-related offenses, criminal breach of trust, and fraud allegations


  • Served as an independent lawyer with a focus on white-collar criminal law and compliance


There is no corporate relationship of any kind whatsoever between the Counsel lawyers and trustberg. or their lawyers named as partners. Mandates are therefore established exclusively between trustberg. and the respective client or between the client and the respective counsel. Therefore, neither the respective Counsel assumes any liability for the activities of trustberg., nor vice versa trustberg. for the activities of a Counsel.​

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