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"Private Internet use at the workplace" (entrepreneur breakfast 2017, FOM University of Applied Sciences)​

Ciris Proof Concepts, Hospitality Gipfel Wien, Dezember 2019


"Legality of the current practice of repeat fixed-term employment in the German public service under German constitutional and European law." (Lecture 2015 at the Federal University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Finance, Münster)​​


​"Use of Employers` IT Equipment - Internet/Mail & Phone as a Matter of Data Security Compliance" (Labour Law Day 2014 of AGV Ruhr-Niederrhein, Duisburg)


​“System and Functioning of the Politically Influenced Criminal Justice and Trials at the Former GDR.” (Berlin Hohenschönhausen 2004, as head of the Foreign and Security Policy Working Group)


​"Constitutional Law and International Law Assessment of the Second Iraq War" (Lecture 2003 at amnesty international and CDU)





​„Lügen haben kurze Beine“ - Zerrüttung des Arbeitsverhältnisses durch Falschvortrag im ProzessJurisPR-ArbR 14/2021


​"Distinction between permissible obstruction of access and company boycott" (jurisPR-ArbR 30/2018)


"Requirement of a works council training according to § 37 Abs. 6 BetrVG and relevant date of review" (jurisPR-ArbR 5/2018)


"The creation of a contractual non-compete obligation for the GmbH managing director" (MDR 2/2018, 61-67)


"The term " recruitment " after the entry into force of the AÜG Amendment Act" - A methodological study taking into account national economic aspects - (NZA 15/2017, 970 - 976)


"Tobacco "Plain-Packaging" Legislation and the Right of Use and Enjoyment of European Registered Trademarks in a European and International Law Perspective" (IPRB 2016, 137-141)


"Legal Force of Enforcement Orders from Legally not Competent Courts" (Publications 2013 UVF Frankfurt)


Doctoral Thesis Concerning “History of the Notaryship, City Courts and Land Registers of the State of Hesse” (Dissertation Univ. Gießen 2012)

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